Friday, December 28, 2007


it's that time of year when i reflect on my actions and decisions of the past year.
i make a few lists every year:
the first is a list of all the things i want to leave behind
the second is a list of all the things i learned
and the third is a list of all the things i'm hopeful for in the new year.
i've decided to leave behind viewing a situation in my life as a punishment
instead, i'm choosing to see it as getting a chance at a different life
of shaking things up
of reinventing things
and of uncovering dreams that where put away for another life.
i dream of being deserving and accepting of all the good in my life:
the perks of my job
not freaking out over finances
continued travel
enjoying my hobbies
good health
fun times with friends and family.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The mountains, rivers, grasses, trees and forests are always emanating subtle, precious light,
day and night, always emanating a subtle, precious sound, demonstrating and expounding to all
people the unsurpassed ultimate truth.



Wednesday, December 19, 2007


she's smart
she's generous
she's strong
she's a risk taker
she's brave
she's helpful
she's genuine
she's loyal
she's thoughtful
she's beautiful
she's his twin

she's my sister.

happy belated birthday, sweets.


He's thoughtful
He's smart
He's caring
He's an awesome friend
He's loyal
He's a strong athlete
He's is committed
He's a damn good dresser
He's loved by many
He's handsome
He's her twin

He's my brother.

Happy belated birthday!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


when your heart tells you one thing

and your mind tells you another

and, you've done all you can do

just stand

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007


This pile of homemade tamales were made by my family.
They look delicious, right? They are.
Seeing this picture of our tamales makes me happy for everything it represents.
It represents a family coming together.
It represents a family who enjoys each other's company.
It represents a family who welcomes everyone and makes first-timers feel right at home.
It represents a family who doesn't shy away from hard work.
It represents a family who values tradition.
It represents a family who embraces their heritage.
It represents the love that we feel for one another.

This pile of tamales has been one of the greatest gifts from our grandmother, who as our matriarch, always had one wish--that we always stay connected. The year after our grandmother's death, we came up with the idea of getting together as a family the first Saturday of December to make tamales. (We decided on the first Saturday of the month because her birthday was December 2.)

That was nine years ago.

This year, as always, we came together as a family. We welcomed two new members to our tribe, and they meshed right into our family. There was a lot of conversation and a lot of laughter at the assembly table this year. As usual, it was messy and fun.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Did I already mention that this Double Digits Girl is not only thoughtful but also generous?
She asked that I take her shopping last weekend because she had birthday money that was burning a hole in her pocket. While at the mall, we walked into one of my favorite stores Bath & Body Works. Because she knows I love this store, she followed me around and helped me pick out new lotions to smell and each time asked if I liked it. Every time I said yes, she turned the bottle over and looked at the price tag. Each time returning the bottle to the shelf when she realized that it was too expensive for her budget. When I realized that she wanted to buy me a Christmas gift, I walked over to the sample-size section of the store. She picked out a 3-piece set in the same fragrance that earlier I had raved about. She looked at the price and, while it was more expensive than the others, she held on to it. She whispered to me, "If you really like it, I'd like to get it for you."
In case you're wondering, YES, her generosity melted my heart. She had $20 and this set of lotions would have used up all her money, but it didn't matter to her. At that moment, what mattered to her was to make me happy. And, she did. She made me very happy and proud, and it didn't even cost her any money.

Monday, December 03, 2007

A Message to 3 Boys

Brody, Elijah, & Noah
December '07
Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.
-Shel Silverstein