Friday, November 30, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fun & Laughs

If you have to think about the last time you had fun,
or the last time you laughed so hard your side ached,

Friday, November 23, 2007


It's a day late, but it's important for me to give thanks
For the smile on her face
For her health
For her undying love and devotion to us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Potato Soup for the Soul

you know those visits where everything is fun, easy and peaceful?
well, that's how it is with her.
i always look forward to our time together because our talks are comfort food for my soul.
our visits have become a comfortable routine.
i walk through her front door,
put down my purse and keys,
and make my way to her kitchen--that's where she waits for me.
she greets me with her familiar "Hola, Prima"
and her loving arms that wrap around me in a big hug
that always warms my heart.
and, because she knows me so well,
a delicious cup of tea waits for me.
i take my place at her diningroom table,
sipping my tea,
and watching in awe as she dances around her kitchen
creating delicious meals and baked goodies for the people in her life.
i'm often complimented on my role as a step-mother
and, in my heart, i always share the compliment with her
because, you see, she is the one that has taught me what I know about parenting.
i admire that her greatest concern has always been her children.
she's an incredible mother and because of her, her kids have learned
how to make healthy choices and
to own their actions.
she has encouraged them to have a voice
but reminds them to be respectful when speaking up.
she has taught them about change while
reminding them that the one consistent thing--the one thing
they can always count on--
is her steady and deep love for them.
today, i know there is no better gift you could give a child.
and, because it's the season to give thanks, i hope that this simple thank you is enough
thank you for never tiring of letting me vent
thank you for all the valuable life lessons you have shared with me
thank you for your honesty
thank you for guarding my secrets
thank you for your cozy home that you so generously share
thank you for your loyalty
thank you for giving me so much to think about
thank you for always making me feel safe
thank you for all you teach me--
especially the latest recipe of comfort food-- Sopa de Papa.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Somebody e-mailed me a joke this morning and it got me thinking about police officers.
I don't need a joke or an e-mail to get me thinking about them
because I do that on my own -- everyday.
But, today after reading the joke--
a joke, by the way, full of cop stereotypes--
it made me think of them.
Maybe I'm having a bad morning.
Maybe I took it too personally.
Maybe I'm too close.
Personally, the limited amount of first-hand experience I have had with police officers has been good.
That doesn't mean that my experience is everyone's experience.
Some can be assholes. I've even met a few.
But, overall, I've found law enforcement to be an under-paid, under-appreciated,
brave and noble profession.
I am married to an honest, kind, and decent man who happens to be a deputy sheriff, and
it hasn't been very long since I heard about the last cop's funeral so
forgive me if I don't share in your laughter over one more donut joke.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I love her because:
she makes me laugh,
she's kind,
she's always eager to help,
she doesn't give me attitude,
she's honest,
she shares my interest in photography,
she doesn't hold grudges,
she's still innocent,
she's brave,
she loves to have fun,
she works hard,
she trusts me,
she's always willing to pose for me whenever i ask her to,
but mostly because she's starting to develop her own dreams and ideas.
Happy Double Digits!
I know how eager you were to get here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Monday, November 05, 2007


Descanso Gardens

The best part of my weekend: watching an awesome performance by Rodrigo y Gabriela at the Music Box Theatre.

The worst part of my weekend: isn't worth mentioning because it had a lot to do with the most stressful part of my weekend.

The funnest part of my weekend: experiencing the "nightlife" through April's eyes.

The most relaxing part of my weekend: getting an extra hour of sleep.

The most stressful part of my weekend: having to deal with Armando at a time when lots has to get done with very little time in which to do it.

The most loving part of my weekend: having my sister give up her weekend to help me out.

The most delicious part of my weekend: joining my Mom and aunts for a delicious Sunday meal cooked by my Aunt Irma.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Day of the Dead

Photo by R. Zepeda
It's been 1 year and 6 months, but it feels like it was just yesterday
That I go the call to tell me he was gone.
She struggled to find the right words
And when she finally found them
They brought with them the awful, awful silence.
The silence made me feel like my heart was going to explode.
I remember hanging up the phone
I struggled with not knowing what to do
Then again the awful silence
This time the silence brought with it desperation.
The desperation to hold something that once had his fingerprints
A letter
A card
A picture
I remember not finding anything
I struggled with my tears and my aching heart
And, again the silence. That deafening eerie silence.
I remember surrendering to it
I sat in it
I let it surround me
I let it clear my head.
I remember that beautiful and sweet silence
It let me be
It calmed my heart
It dried my tears
But more importantly
It gave me strength
The strength to go forward.
Yes, my heart still aches for him
But, I trust that he's in a place of complete beauty, peace and freedom.
Yes, I wish we had more time to spend together
But, I'm glad & grateful for the time we had.
Maybe next time.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Moving Together

I didn't expect the recent movement in our lives to bring
so many great lessons.
I've learned that I am forever safe in his arms.
I've learned that he has unbelievable devotion.
I've learned that he is fiercely committed to our life together.
I've learned that he has unwavering loyalty.
I've learned that I will never again feel like I am by myself.
I've learned that his character and word are the two things I admire the most.
I've learned that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Here's to you Rockin' another year.
Happy Birthday, Babe.